Categoria: nutrizione

Food out of Poverty, Lecco, 26 novembre

Food out of Poverty, Lecco, 26 novembre

Scambio di esperienze di produzione, distribuzione e consumo
sostenibili tra Lombardia e Repubblica Democratica del Congo

Giovedì 26 Novembre ore 20.45
Sala Conferenze API – Via della Pergola, 73

Per info segui il link

The Global Food Safety Partnership (GFSP) 3rd Annual Conference, 8-12 Dicembre 2014

The Global Food Safety Partnership (GFSP) 3rd Annual Conference, 8-12 Dicembre 2014

The Global Food Safety Partnership (GFSP) 3rd Annual Conference represents an opportunity to network with food safety peers while contributing to food safety capacity building strategies for emerging markets around the world.

The conference will take stock of the past year’s activities, overview plans for the coming year, and exchange views on priority emerging issues.  Key topics will include:

  • China food safety capacity building and cross-sector collaboration
  • Innovative capacity building needs assessments with Zambia
  • Good aquaculture practices experience in Malaysia
  • Traceability
  • Progress reports and next steps for laboratory capacity development, chemical risk assessment, higher education food safety curricula, on-farm dairy food safety, and other topics
  • Information sharing with related global and regional food safety programs

Conference speakers and participants will include a wide range of stakeholders, from senior government officials to private sector leaders, food safety experts, academics, and representatives of international organizations such as WHO, FAO, OIE, UNIDO, and WTO.  Many GFSP partner organizations are expected to present, along with senior representatives of the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

Space is limited, so register early.

The conference is free to attend. Attendants will need to pay for travel, accommodation, visas and transportation.

Last Updated: Oct 24, 2014

Role of Traditional Agriculture in Biodiversity Conservation Discussed at CBD COP12, Pyeongchang, Ottobre 2014

Role of Traditional Agriculture in Biodiversity Conservation Discussed at CBD COP12, Pyeongchang, Ottobre 2014

Si è da poco conclusa la 12ma Conferenza delle Parti della CBD – la prima dopo l’entrata in vigore del Protocollo di Nagoya -, tenuta a Pyeongchang (Repubblica della Corea del Sud) dal 13 al 17 ottobre 2014, che ha stabilito i meccanismi per garantire il rispetto del Protocollo, le misure volte a favorire le capacità istituzionali dei paesi in via di sviluppo e le strategie per aumentare la consapevolezza del nuovo strumento internazionale. Il Centro sulla sostenibilità dell’Università delle NU ha pubblicato un interessante articolo sulla discussione inerente l’agricoltura tradizionale, nel quadro delle decisioni recentemente adottate… uno dei temi del SIII 2014.