Program & last minute changes! – LAND, WATER & RESOURCES RIGHTS, 6th – 8th July 2015

Program & last minute changes! – LAND, WATER & RESOURCES RIGHTS, 6th – 8th July 2015



To register for the conference, please, write to Name / First Name / sessions you are interested in / e-mail address To read the biographies of the speakers click here.


The European Union set a series of supportive actions up to strengthen land  governance in African countries, encouraging to apply the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (World Food Security, 2012), and financing African governments to support Land Tenure Regularisation Programmes. It is believed that demarcating title deeds improves land tenure efficiency and harmony in the countries. Nonetheless, day after day, the global spectacles of communication return effects from unrestrained soil consumption, unsustainable land grabbing, disregard for the livelihood of people, along with an irresponsible erasing of ancient land tenure practices, customary rights and knowledge derived from progressive adaptation to needs, soils and climate change. In short, an absolute disrespect for the Commons, in favour of the interests of the Capital, channeled by the States, is neither prerogative of Africa, nor responsibility that EU members, RECs (Regional Economic Community) or Intergovernmental Agencies are immune to, within and out of their range of actions. Not very often a powerful REC asks for advice to intellectuals to correct the imbalances of its actions, where huge investments to harmonise spots of the World are overwhelmed by bad practices carried on by a wild market masked by legal treaties. This Conference is an attempt to satisfy in a supportive way, such a demand. Three are the complementary coordinated analyses offered here: (A) the connection between access to land and/as access to food [Gastronomic Sciences University, Pollenzo], (B) the policies of investments adopted within the EU and the role of multinational corporations [University Milano-Bicocca], and (C) the challenges implied in terms of global and regional governance where the equilibrium of complex relations within the concept of “livelihood” is pivotal. Land, water and resources rights will be analysed in terms of global, national and communitarian policies, here approached in a regional perspective [University of Milano]. We are grateful to the colleagues disposed to come from different edges of the World for this task, and acknowledge fruitful exchanges with the colleagues of our respective Departments, the members of ASERI and ExpoLAB of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milano), in preparing this event. The Round table convened in the evening of the 7th of July is dedicated to the international cooperation. NGOs’ will testimony their actions confronting with experts and a Public Administration involved in co-development projects. The Academic venues warmly welcome Citizens, Visitors to Expo 2015, NGOs and Public Administrators. Medium of the Conference is English.

Cristiana Fiamingo [University of Milano] Carla Maria Gulotta [University of Milano-Bicocca] Paolo Corvo [University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo]

    6th July A.M. sessions: IULM University, Via Carlo Bo 1, Milano (MM
    6th July P.M. sessions to 8th July sessions: University of Milan, Social, Political and Economic Sciences Faculty, via Conservatorio 7, Milano
    Cristiana Fiamingo – University of Milan
    History and Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa
    Dept. International, Legal and Historical-political Studies
    v. Conservatorio 7 – Milan
    Mobile : +39 3393494903
    Ludovica de Girolamo – University of Milan
    with the support of Xheni Dani, Juri Orsi, Marianna Marrocchi, Agata Lavorio, Simone Possenti, Maria Fiorino, Francesca Lazzari, Giulia Carlini and Eleonora Di Pilato
    for French-speaking speakers: Caroline Ekoule Bissik
    DÉVELO – Laboratorio di Cooperazione Internazionale



6 July 2015 A.M.

University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo
Guest IULM University, Aula Seminari, via Carlo Bo, 1, Milano


Giovanni Puglisi [Rector of IULM]
Voncenzo Russo as substitute of Claudia Sorlini [President of the Scientific Committee for the Municipality of Milan for Expo 2015]
Cristiana Fiamingo [Co-ordinator]
Paolo Corvo [University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, organiser of the Sessions]

10.00-10.30 KEYNOTE SPEECH Kenneth Hermele [University of Gothenburg]
“The drivers of land grabbing: food, feed, fibres, fuel, finance and forests”

10.30-11.45 – I SESSION – Land Rights and Consumption
Access to food is the pivotal approach of a session which intends to analyze the most important questions about land rights with an interdisciplinary approach, showing some interesting problem solving perspectives, in an attempt to provide a contribution to the policy of the European Union on the matter.

  • Paolo De Castro [EU Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development] in VIDEO-connection: “Food and water: global challenges”
  • Paolo Corvo [University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo] “The defence of land rights: a responsibility for the consumers”
  • Mauro Ferraresi [Iulm University] “New consumers and the critics of consumption”
  • Lorenzo Bairati [University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo] “Recognizing customary land rights in pluralistic legal systems: conflicts, challenges, future perspectives”
  • Simone Cinotto [University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo]: “Food processing from the pre-industrial age to mechanisation and deterritorialisation”

11.45-13.00 – II SESSION – A proposal for a holistic approach to Land Rights Nicola Perullo & Michele Fino [University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo]: “Pollenzo’s Manifesto: towards the Manifesto of Gastronomic Sciences” PUBLIC DEBATE

6th July P.M.

University of Milan, Faculty of Social, Political and Economic Sciences Sala Lauree, via Conservatorio, 7, 20121 Milan


Cristiana Fiamingo [University of Milan, Conference Coordinator]
Gianluca Vago [Rector of the University of Milan]
Claudia Sorlini [President of the Scientific Committee for the Municipality of Milan for Expo 2015]
Giovanni Bidoglio [Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Rapporteur for the EU Steering committee for EXPO]
Laura Ammannati [University of Milan, Dept. International, Legal, Historical-political Studies]

15.45-16.15 KEYNOTE SPEECH Michael Taylor [International Land Coalition] “Moving towards land governance that is with and for people; perspectives from the International Land Coalition”

16.15 – III SESSION – Global governance: whose responsibility? How to connect land, water and resources rights to policy making, and to local systems of resource management, based on practices, local knowledge, social capital? Concerned communities and citizens are trying to respond to land grabbing by extractive industries: what kind of global governance instruments will protect them?

  • Maria Cristina Rulli [Politecnico di Milano] & Paolo D’Odorico [University of Virginia] “Global land grabbing impact on water, food and bioenergy availability”
  • Fabio Terribile [University of Naples / Association AIASSA] “Land rights as land assessment: current difficulties and new opportunities”
  • Federica Violi [State University Messina] “Permanent sovereignty over natural resources and the practice of land grabbing”
  • Maria Guglielma da Passano [Food Agriculture Organisation] “Improving tenure governance: roles and responsibilities as shaped by the Voluntary Guidelines on Governance of Tenure of Land, Forestry and Fisheries and their implementation “ DISCUSSANT: Andrea Calori [Urgenci]


18.00-19.00 Official opening of the exhibition “Da mangarsi con gli occhi”, Project CoLomba- Comune di Milano “Let Us Sow the Future”, CoLomba, 2015 Scalone of the Palazzo Resta-Pallavicino, Faculty of Social, Political and Economic Sciences


7th July


9.45-11.30 – IV SESSION European Union and member states’ land tenure policies Does the policy on poverty reduction in the EU secure better access to land, providing better livelihood conditions for local citizens but also securing the respect of agro-pastoral producers in the “South” in terms of investments and labour rights?

  • Sebastiano Rizzioli [University Ferrara] “Land tenure discipline in European Union legal system”
  • Paolo Pileri [Politecnico di Milano] “Soil & land, the forgotten resource”
  • Gérard Choplin [Expert on agriculture policies] “Common Agriculture Policy and land concentration in Europe” DISCUSSANT: Guido Sali [University of Milan]

11.30-13.00 – V SESSION – Large scale land-deals and investment law: an overview of the International and European practices
What kind of contribution investment law can give to the protection of land rights? How investment treaties and conditionality mechanisms can prevent or reduce the potential negative effects of large scale land deals on Human Rights? How should the EU exercise its new competence on investment law so as to attain this goal?

  • Susanna E. Waltman [University Law School, Genève] “Water issues in the context of farmland investments in Africa: The parallel legal regimes at the intersection of land and water” (by Makane Moïse Mbengue and Susanna E. Waltman)
  • Pia Acconci [University of Teramo] “European Union Investment Policy and Land Rights”
  • Angelica Bonfanti [University of Milan] “Multinational corporations investing in land: international law issues”
  • Carla Maria Gulotta [University Milano-Bicocca] “A welcome conditionality: Investment Banks and Export Credit Agencies’ role in the consolidation of good practices” DISCUSSANT : Maurizio Arcari [University Milano-Bicocca]


14.45-16:30 VI SESSION – Africa
The alleged absence of the concept of ownership, permitted Europe to colonialise the African continent in the past: Will Africa ever be able to overcome “property rights” over land, now, not to transfer them sic et simpliciter from Communities to International corporations?

  • Marc Ona Essangui [Brain-forest, Libreville, Gabon] “Les plantation de palmier à huile et d’hévéa cause de l’accaparement de terre au Gabon”
  • Bernard Njonga [CrAC, Yaoundé, Cameroon] “Le foncier face à l’accaparement des terres au Cameroun”
  • Massimo Zecchini [University of Milan] “Rights of Sahelian transhumant people”
  • Maria Sapignoli [Max Planck Institute for Anthropology] “The struggle to be San: Indigenous peoples’ access to land and resources in Southern Africa”
  • Laura Viviana Marchisio & Stefano Corsi [University of Milano] “Strengthening food chains to strengthen land rights. Case studies in Sierra Leone and Chad”
  • COMMUNICATION: “Irrigation mega-projects in Sahelo-Sudanese Africa: land rights conceptions between State and local communities” (by Daria Quatrida, Marina Bertoncin and Andrea Pase) DISCUSSANT: Gabriella Rossetti [University of Ferrara]


16.30-17.00 – Documentary: LAND GRABBING OR LAND TO INVESTORS [2014] Introduced by the author Alfredo Bini ______________________________________

17.00-18.30 – ROUND TABLE: When a State competes with its People over resources: what kind of cooperation? What kind of partnership?

  • Cristiana Fiamingo [University of Milano],
  • p. Herve Mamboueni [University of Florence & Ass. Diocesane de Dolisie, Congo Brazzaville],
  • Fides Marzi Hatungimana [Association Dukorere Hamwe],
  • Federico Pezzolato [Vigeo Rating],
  • Marco Grandi [Uff. Cooperazione Internazionale, Comune di Milano],
  • Pietro de Marinis [Dévelo Laboratorio di Cooperazione Internazionale] ________________________________________

18.30 –  Documentary: “Let Us Sow the Future” and the APP “Right food Milano“, presented by Francesca Silva [CoLomba]

8th July A.M.

09.30-9.45 REGISTRATION 9.45-11.30 VII SESSION – Americas What could be the right form of pressure from the European Union to ensure respect for indigenous rights in the Americas and what are the lessons to be learnt from those experiences in order to protect the right to access to land to minorities in Europe?

  • Alexandra Tomaselli [European Academy of Bolzano/Bozen (EURAC) and Red de Encuentros Multidisciplinares sobre Pueblos Indígenas (EMPI)] “Indigenous peoples’ rights to land in Latin America”
  • Roberto Cammarata [University of Milano] “Indigenous rights in Bolivia“
  • Chiara Scardozzi [University La Sapienza, Roma] “Contested territories: a case study about land restitution process in semiarid region of Argentine Gran Chaco”
  • Michael Morden [University of Toronto] “First Nations, land rights, and comprehensive land claims in Canada” DISCUSSANT: Roberto Sensi [ActionAid]

11.30-13.00 VIII SESSION – Middle, Central and Far East From the complex East hyperboles of capitalistic growth entangled with rights-abuses of all sorts preventing the access to the fundamental elements of the global survival, networks of researchers struggle to find new roads of development. Testimonies will offer elements that either European Union nor European citizens should ignore.

  • Mauro Van Aken [University Milano-Bicocca] “Grabbing farming citizenship in the Middle East. Some cases of peasant local knowledge of land and water”
  • Caterina Filippini [University of Milan] “Aboriginal peoples’ land rights in post-Soviet space”
  • Qi Gubo [China Agricultural University] “Agricultural Development in China and Africa: A comparative analysis”
  • Shaufique Fahmi Ahmad Sidique [Inst. Agricultural and Food Policy Studies, Universiti Putra, Malaysia] “The political economy of Malaysian palm oil expansion in a global scale” (by Marcel Djama, Shaufique Fahmi Ahmad Sidique, Syahaneem Mohamad Zainalabidin) DISCUSSANT: Gianni Fodella [University of Milano]

13.00-13.15 – CONCLUDING REMARKS Cristiana Fiamingo [University of Milan] and Giovanni Bidoglio [Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Rapporteur for the EU Steering committee for EXPO]



BACKGROUND The intellectual context in which the Conference has been conceived is SIII: Interdisciplinary, Interfaculty, Interuniversity Seminar in which scholars of the three public Universities of Milan discuss about sustainability, livelihood, human security, whose Website offers a common platform with the main documents on the arguments at stake. Keep in touch considering that: • You can follow our FB page. • The event will be recorded, digitalised and put at disposal of the general public on the “portal-video” of the State University of Milan ( ) • The Acts of the Conference will be published as a free-access e-book.

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